10 Tips And Tricks for Riding a Motorcycle

10 Tips And Tricks for Riding a Motorcycle

Riding a Motorcycle one of the most exciting activities you will do. The sensation of making sharp turns or moving confidently on dirt roads is an incomparable feeling. Although riding a motorbike comes with a lot of excitement, it is important to always adhere to the rules. This means following the three T’s of the motorcycle.

These are the tips, tricks and techniques that will give you the best experience as a motorcycle rider. Below are ten motorcycle riding tips, tricks and techniques you need to drive safer and better.

Hold the Clutch With Two Fingers

Many riders, both experienced and novice, use four fingers when operating the clutch lever of their motorcycle. What they don’t realize is that two fingers are enough to effectively modulate the clutch lever.

Four-finger modulation has its uses, including stopping and operating heavy clutch pulls. However, generally using two fingers is the easier and more convenient option.

Fortunately, most modern bicycles are equipped with a light clutch pull, so you shouldn’t have much trouble modulating with two fingers. If you are a rider who is used to using four fingers for each shift, it will take some time.

Therefore, you should do the two-finger technique slowly. This will help you master the technique while ensuring your safety.

Practice Turning Left and Right in Circles

This one may seem too basic or even silly, but this rudimentary exercise will really help you. Believe it or not, turning left is generally easier than turning right on a motorbike. This is true for two main reasons: First, most people are right-handed and it is easier to push the handlebars with your dominant arm. (At higher speeds, of course, pushing the right bar will cause you to turn right.) The second, and more significant reason, is that the rear brake lever is on the right, which means it’s harder to brake and put the foot down if required when turning right. This is why in racing, motocross and supercross in particular (where the rider is severely hampered to the first corner), the first turn is usually left-handed so the rider can brake and maintain balance effectively at the same time.

This exercise is best done in an empty parking lot where you can use the painted line as a guide. Start by rotating your left hand, counter clockwise and practice making your hoop tighter. Then do the same with the opposite right hand, clockwise. You may find that this method is a little more difficult. This exercise will help you improve not only your balance, but also your slow, tight quarter maneuver.

Practice Hard Braking

This exercise can be done in an empty parking lot or an open back street, just don’t do it near traffic. The idea here is to figure out how fast your bike can stop, because you never know when you have to hit that brake. Practice stopping as quickly as possible by accelerating to different speeds to see how far it takes to bring the bike to a complete stop. In fact, you never want to actually “slam” your brakes. You want to squeeze gently at first, increasing the pressure as needed.

Stops from 25 mph will obviously happen faster and in less than 60 mph – obviously – but the bike will react and respond in a different way. Stopping quickly from faster speeds will be bumpy and unbalance the bike more and differently than from slower speeds, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with what to expect and how to modulate the levers for optimal braking. Furthermore, this

exercise will help you find your bike’s limits, hopefully not exceeding them (i.e. washing the front and crashing).

Also, if your bike is equipped with ABS, you should know how and when the system works. Some ABS systems work earlier than others with varying degrees of feel to the lever. Just remember – ABS is a driver aid, not a safety net.

No one is likely to tell you this, but practicing hard braking can save you from difficult situations in the future. With practice, you’ll know how much force to exert in such situations, as well as what kind of reaction to expect from your bike.

Sudden stopping at high speed will affect the balance of your bike, and may cause you to fall. Practicing hard braking will help you understand how your motorcycle works, and the amount of pressure required to stop it quickly and safely.

Figure Eights

Same idea as above, but now we connect the left and right turns in order. The same exercise – start as wide as you need and gradually narrow it down. You’ve heard motorcyclists talk about the” Flexibility” of bikes; this is where the rider quickly transitions and “flicks” his bike from side to side, seamlessly linking right and left turns together. Make sure to start slowly. Practicing any skill slowly will help you do it faster – we all crawl before we learn to walk.

Avoid Turning The Machine Unnecessarily

As for motorcyclists, one of the most exciting things to do is start the engine, most riders start their engines at every given opportunity; when waiting at red lights when turning at intersections and even when driving on the highway. The sound of an engine turning is cool, but doing it unnecessarily will affect the motorcycle engine in the long run.

This is something that most motorcyclists don’t know, which is why they are usually surprised when their engine breaks down in no time. If you want to extend the life of your engine and enjoy your motorcycle for a long time, keep engine revs to a minimum.

Use Your Odometer

Save for some, most of the motorcycles on the market don’t come with a fuel gauge. This can leave you stranded in the middle of nowhere, as you can’t determine how much fuel you’ve used.

The best way to deal with this is to use your odometer. To use your odometer as a tool for calculating the fuel level, you must reset the odometer before starting a trip.

By doing this, you can determine how many miles you will have before needing to refuel. This will help you make the right refuel decisions in the future.

Stay Away From Puddles And Shiny Smooth Surfaces

This tip is especially important for riders who enjoy riding in the rain. Puddles are one of your biggest enemies when driving in the rain. The small pool of water you see in front of you, maybe a foot high.

Avoid meeting this little devil if you can. If you spot a puddle too late and can’t avoid it, don’t apply your brakes. Just keep your bike upright, while holding the throttle steady. Another thing to avoid when driving in the rain is a shiny slippery surface.

This surface is characterized as slippery on dry days, and on rainy days, the surface is very slippery. Such surfaces include metal plates, painted lines, manhole covers and tar snakes.

Avoid these surfaces completely when driving in the rain. If you find yourself on them unexpectedly, don’t change your movement by accelerating or braking. Just keep your motorcycle moving until you come off the surface.

Know Forecast Every day

Weather is a big determinant of how safe the road is to drive. During snow and rain, wet roads increase the risk of falling and crashing. Wet conditions like that also affect the visibility of the rider.

Always make sure to check the weather forecast before leaving. This will give you a clear idea of ​​what to expect on the road. It also allows you to be prepared ahead of time, put on the proper motorcycle gear and all.

Know Your Motorcycle

As a rider, your motorcycle is your best friend whenever you are getting ready to ride. It is very important to know your bike, to ensure your safety at all times. Take the time to study the fuel level, to find out how much fuel is needed per hour of driving.

Also, make sure to check the motorbike every morning before leaving. Check the clutch, tire pressure level and fuel level. Take the time to practice to know what your motorcycle is capable of. Practice driving in wet conditions, by pouring water on the free parking trails.

This will help you figure out the best ride for riding your motorbike in the rain. You should also practice hard braking, to prepare for the unexpected. You should also take the time to practice your rounds.

Relax And Ride With Confidence

Driving with confidence will help you quickly bridge the gap between being a rookie and an experienced racer.

When you drive with confidence, you eliminate the panic and fear that might lead you to make silly mistakes. The trick is to avoid being overconfident. Keep an eye on your path and you will surely have a smooth ride.

Motorcycles are a global culture, sport and way of life for many people around the world. For most of the experienced motorcyclists in the world, the tips above have helped them to enjoy the best of this amazing activity.

Those are the tips, tricks and techniques that you will want to follow if you are planning to have a long motorcycle riding career.

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