28th Annual Southeast MiniTruckin Nationals Car Show

28th Annual Southeast MiniTruckin Nationals Car Show

The 28th Annual Southeast MiniTruckin Nationals Car Show was held April 22 – 24 2022 at the Maggie Valley Festival Grounds in Maggie Valley, North Carolina. After two years of uncertain circumstances for the show, we know that this year was going to be one of the best they have had!

Participants starting to fill the grounds early in on Friday and by Saturday, it was completely filled. Bringing in a lot of new builds as well as some Classic builds, we could not wait for the show to officially start!

With a new set up this year, its safe to say the event crew made the most out of their space with vendors set up as soon as you walk through the new spectator gate. Once you pass that area, you’re greeted by apparel vendors, DJ Maze on the stage and then the flood of vehicles from various clubs from all over the US.  As usual, the vehicle in attendance always bring their A game.

You can see anything from full sized trucks slammed on the ground, bagged cars, golf carts, custom motorcycles, and more.  You could see anything and everything!

At the end of each night, attendees met on the strip for a night of cruising.  Friday night, it was not too crowded and allowed for a few rides to take up the strip and enjoy the night!  Saturday night was a completely different story for the cruise.  The wait to get onto the strip to cruise was over a mile long!

28th Annual Southeast MiniTruckin Nationals Car Show has never left us down, and we cannot wait to see what the 2023 show will have in store!

Photos by: Chris Gosda

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