Are You Legally Required to Have Car Insurance in the USA?
It’s exciting to get your first car. However, before tearing down the road behind the wheel, there are other items to consider. Car insurance in the USA is a might be a requirement.
Most states require car insurance in the USA before you can legally drive. As an experienced driver, I have listed further information on state requirements and the locations that don’t require car insurance from drivers.
Understanding the Minimum Coverage Requirements in Different States
Although most states require car insurance in the USA, each differs in what that requirement entails. Every state has different rules, which are vital to understanding locations like California and Florida.
From custom wheels to wings and spoilers, states understand driving can be a risky endeavor, especially with fast drivers on the road. Car insurance ensures everyone is covered and ready for the worst, no matter what happens. Let’s discuss the minimum coverage requirements for Ohio, California, and Florida.
Ohio is in the midwest portion of the country. If you live in the area, auto insurance for Ohio drivers is a requirement. There are several minimum coverage requirements here that differ from other states. Let’s go over the necessary items in Ohio car insurance.
Ohio requires proof of insurance at every stop when asked for by a professional. You need to have coverage of $25,000 for one person, $50,000 for the injury or death of two people, and $25,000 for any property damage in an accident. Failure to meet these requirements can lead to consequences if you are pulled over or get in an accident.
California is a ways away from Ohio, located on the west coast. This state requires auto insurance and has recommendations for minimum coverage on the road. Let’s talk about the requirements for auto insurance in this state.
California requires drivers to carry insurance, ready to present to an officer if necessary. The insurance must have $15,000 for the injury or death of one person, $30,000 for the injury or death of more than one person, and $5,000 for property damage.
California accepts surety bonds, DMV-issued self-insurance certificates, cash deposits of $35,000 with the DMV, and a motor vehicle liability policy as insurance. It’s a little different from Ohio.
Florida is on the opposite side of the country and extends further into the water than California. The drivers in this state are well-known for their crazy maneuvers and high speeds. Car insurance is a must for those who call Florida home. Even the best wheel care won’t prevent an accident at high speeds.
Florida is different from the other states in that you are not required to provide coverage for bodily injury or deaths. Instead, they need $10,000 in personal injury protection for the road and $10,000 in property damage liability. Coverage on the road for Florida is straightforward at the lowest cost option.
Which US States Don’t Require Car Insurance?
Two states don’t require car insurance to drive – Vermont and New Hampshire. These states are not included because they put forward their law to determine the proper driving age of the person behind the wheel.
Even though driver’s insurance isn’t necessary, most people invest in it to ensure their cars have a backup in an emergency. It’s worth the additional money if you live in an area where you think your vehicle may receive harm at some point in the day.